Reporting Player: Magikarp LVL 100 Reason: The same as Caballoporvena, out of nowhere he started to perfectly headshot everysingle human in this server, people fastly cried for hacks and i decided to post this here, even now, he is still headshoting people, as i've seen he has kill like 20 people and all of them are in the head. Evidence: All evidence should be in the console PD: Magikarp conffesed he used hacks to kill people and then started to insult everyone, then Mikel also confesed he has hacks to kill hackers. 2PD: Magikarp gives a fuck about a ban because he said "i will change my ip so easily i can always enter" I think you should tp to him and raid his house as baning him will do nothing as he still has his weapons, he can enter with another name and continue hacking