we were in next valey Melek instant headshoted Lord0fwar, i was crouchrunning so he couldnt hit me i put a barricade i move to the side and he instant headshoted me 5 times with m4 from 101 m. also he was on rocks and found Lord and saw us with radar.
[10/31/2015 14:25:24] Killer: Melek Gun: M4 Dist: 17.67 Victim: Lord0fWar BodyP: Head DMG: 53.47 [10/31/2015 14:26:01] Killer: Melek Gun: M4 Dist: 107.88 Victim: TANK BodyP: Head DMG: 65.25 [10/31/2015 14:26:18] Killer: Melek Gun: M4 Dist: 40.84 Victim: Lord0fWar BodyP: Right Hand DMG: 37.47 [10/31/2015 14:38:38] Killer: Melek Gun: M4 Dist: 17.72 Victim: Lord0fWar BodyP: Head DMG: 108.2 @Equinox Staff what do you think? @TANK741 next time use the correct form please. http://equinoxgamers.com/index.php?threads/read-first-form.1381/