My IGN = Boss (Old ign TrapQueen) The hacker = ThugLife Reason for Report = raided my guns / c4 / exposives chest / bullets .................. Well me and my friend just came in my house and ThugLife was looting whole my guns and and all the rest of the list .. well I can give you list of what I had you probly not gonna belive me u gonna think im little scammer but nah I play in the server for while and that's the first time I complain I had 2 chests full of guns + I lost like 70 explosive and 5 c4 and about 4k bullets like 1k each kind (3~4k) well I can't really proof it but u can ask Doc that he gave me huge loot of hacker house I got a lot stuff ( guns bullets gunpowder ) and stuff from there and I lost must of it because this raid .. ok that's all I have to say I hope for help I cant start farm again tbh . -_-( ask for owner why the server don't have auto ban if someone go trough ceiling) ok thanks ..
I checked and it was ThugLife but he doesn't have a house and couldn't find his sleeper someone spawn stuffes for him please. @Equinox Staff
well i ljust logged in and I got another hack raid ........ lost all my stuff now I mean the LQM and Kev and woods (that's what I had left and now its raided)...
well the server have problem with the anti cheat and its the old prob in the server try to fix it pls ... even if ill get my stuff back im not gonna feel safe I see peoples getting raided every night
feel free to do it. if you cant get easy on your roof maybe ask an admin to help ya
Yeah thats nice but i lost everything already ...... you should told me that before i need my stuff back than its will be usefulll...
dude this post is old and yeah dont tell us we should had shown you this before please... I am not clearly sure ik 1 m4 kev and about 125-556.ammo more i dont remember
I have photo of what u gave it in my phone my friend wanted to see so I sent him photo of it ...I can try bring it up I need Doc he know what I really looted from someone ..
Archer I have photo I can show u its was 3 m4 500 566 bullets 5 p250 1 kev set 250shotgun shells and 250 9mm ammo 1 bolt 1 mp5 2 shotgun well that's only what u gave me I farmed much more + looted some house that Doc know about it
I did refunded him some basic stuff ( Cloth , Leather , stuff like that). But this hackers bother me so much , I already banned 10 hackers today. And another guy "Superman" (in-game name) also got raided by a hacker while he was offline. They somehow glitch inside the buildings.